Tutorials WordPress

Display all images attached to a post/page


Written by

Dave Warfel

Reading Time

4 minutes

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You’ve probably struggled with the default output of the WordPress gallery shortcode. It’s OK. We all have. By default, WordPress wraps the entire gallery in a div, and then further wraps the images in dl & dt tags.

There are a few, excellent WordPress image gallery plugins that address gallery shortcode styling (File Gallery Plugin), as well as the invalid XHTML code (Cleaner Gallery Plugin). These plugins work great for many things, but they also add a lot more functionality.

If all you want to display is a simple list of all the image attachments that are attached to a particular page/post, and you just want the img tags, there’s a much easier way to do it.

Display WordPress attachments (images) with img tags only

Place the following code inside the loop on a single page or post template.

	$images =& get_children( array (
		'post_parent' => $post->ID,
		'post_type' => 'attachment',
		'post_mime_type' => 'image'

	if ( empty($images) ) {
		// no attachments here
	} else {
		foreach ( $images as $attachment_id => $attachment ) {
			echo wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, 'thumbnail' );

get_children explained

You can adjust the variables in the get_children array.

If you want to get images from a specific page/post, you’d set post_parent to the ID of that page/post. Using $post->ID returns the images from whatever page/post you are on.

If you just used 'post_type' => 'attachment', then PDFs, audio files, and any other type of attachment would also be listed. Using 'post_mime_type' => 'image' will only return image attachments. You could similarly get video attachments by using 'post_mime_type' => 'video'.

There are a few other parameters you could pass to the get_children array, to further customize the display of attachments. View all the get_children options in the WordPress codex »

Image Size

The size of the image is easily controlled in the last line of code:

echo wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, 'thumbnail' );

Just change thumbnail to medium, large, or any custom image size you have created in your functions.php file. (how to create custom image sizes)

Display Images As Links to Fullsize Image

As mentioned by Jason in the comments, you might want to display all images attached to your WordPress page/post as a list of links, with the link opening up the fullsize image. In the echo statement above, just replace wp_get_attachment_image with wp_get_attachment_link. (WordPress codex for wp_get_attachment_link)

Exclude Featured Image

You might want to include all images attached to the post, but exclude the featured image. To do this, just add the exclude parameter to your get_children array.

Using the above example, your code would look like this:

$images =& get_children( array (
	'post_parent' => $post->ID,
	'post_type' => 'attachment',
	'post_mime_type' => 'image',
	'exclude' => get_post_thumbnail_id()

Exclude Specific Image(s)

If you want to exclude a particular image, you can do so using the “post__not_in” parameter. Find the ID of the image you want to exclude, and then modify the get_children array to look something like this (assuming the ID of the image you want to exclude is 27):

$images =& get_children( array (
	'post_parent' => $post->ID,
	'post_type' => 'attachment',
	'post_mime_type' => 'image',
	'post__not_in' => 27

Or to exclude multiple images, that last line would look like this:

'post__not_in' => array( 27, 28, 29, 30 )

Limit The Number of Images Displayed

Let’s say you have 15 images attached to your post/page, but you only want to display 10. Modify your call to get_children using the posts_per_page parameter:

$images =& get_children( array (
	'post_parent' => $post->ID,
	'post_type' => 'attachment',
	'post_mime_type' => 'image',
	'posts_per_page' => 25

Add Class to Images (ex: class=”lightbox”)

Do you need to add a class to all the images that you’re displaying? Maybe you have a lightbox script that fires for all images with a class="lightbox". You can automatically add a class to every image using the following code. Place this code in a custom functionality plugin or your themes functions.php file.

NOTE: This will add a class of “lightbox” to ALL images that are rendered using the wp_get_attachment_link function. Be careful if you, or your theme, is using this function in various places.

function add_class_attachment_link($html){
    $postid = get_the_ID();
    $html = str_replace('<a ','<a class="lightbox" ',$html);
    return $html;

Or Add a rel attribute

You can easily swap out class="lightbox" above, and replace with rel="lightbox" (or give any value to the rel attribute).

Set a Default Image, If No Attachments Are Found

If no images are attached to your page, and you’d like to use a default image… In the original example above, try replacing this line:

// no attachments here

with this:

<img src="/path/to/your-custom-image.jpg" alt="" />

And you would replace the image src with the URL to your custom image.

Dave Warfel

LinkedIn  •  X (Twitter)Dave has been working with WordPress since 2011. He's built 100s of client sites and almost a dozen of his own. He's tested almost every plugin you can think of, hosted with at least 10 different companies, and gone down every SEO rabbit hole you can imagine. When's he's not tinkering with new software, you'll find him in the mountains of Colorado, trail running, summiting peaks, and rippin' downhills on his mountain bike. 🏔️🏃🚴🤸

14 responses to “Display all images attached to a post/page”

  1. Husien Avatar

    thanks a lot for great tutorial but i do all the code and replace $post->ID with my page ID and get images not relate to that page i can’t understand why ?!

    1. Dave Warfel Avatar

      Husien, if you post your entire code, I’ll see if I can help.

  2. Martin Avatar

    Thank you for your tutorial!

    When i have debug WP:
    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);
    Wordpress show this:
    Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in

  3. za Avatar

    Many thanks for your clear explanation. It fixes my problem. I just need to add code here and there to match what I need. Thank you.

  4. Kelvin Castelino Avatar

    Worked with a charm. Thank you :)

  5. Mark Avatar

    Hi Dave,
    For the papst five days or so I’ve been struggling to get the attached video url from get_attached_media('video', $post->ID); and all sorts of other bits and pieces in the codex and came up blank.

    I did these simple edits to your code anf I was bang on:
    function ht_function($type='ht_function') {
    $thistype = get_post_type();
    $args = array( 'post_type' => $thistype, 'posts_per_page' => 12 );
    $loop = new WP_Query( $args );
    while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post();
    $the_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), $type);
    $videos =& get_children( array (
    'post_parent' => $post->ID,
    'post_type' => 'attachment',
    'post_mime_type' => 'video'

    if ( empty($videos) ) {
    // no attachments here
    } else {
    foreach ( $videos as $attachment_id => $attachment ) {
    $video = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment_id);
    echo $video;

    Now just one big question what conditional do I need to add to exclude posts with no attachments? Would that be somehing like:

    if ( empty($videos) ) {
    exclude $post->ID;

    Thanks in anticipation of your pointing me in the right direction.

    1. Mark Avatar

      I spoke too soon, all the posts return the same video and when I activate the plugin I’m working on with the code added for the video, it get a message, “The plugin generated 6 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.”

      Anyway I’m still ahead of where I was, because before this all I was getting was “Array” or null returned with the code I was using.

  6. Mark Avatar

    Since it took me so long to get this working, I’m sure it may help someone trying to get the featured image and video associated with the post in a post type (standard or custom). This is useful in creating a gallery plugin.

    //function to get images and videos
    function ht_function($type='ht_function') {
    echo '';
    $thistype = get_post_type();
    $args = array( 'post_type' => $thistype, 'post_parent' => $post->ID, 'posts_per_page' => 12 );
    $loop = new WP_Query( $args );
        while ($loop->have_posts()) {
            $the_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), $type);
    	$videos = get_attached_media('video');
    foreach($videos as $video) {
     $video = wp_get_attachment_url($video->ID);
    if ($the_url && $videos);
    echo '<a href="'.$video.'" rel="nofollow">';
    echo '';
    echo '</a>';
    echo '<!--End wrapper div-->';

    Not perfect and can be improved by a real coder.

  7. DANIEL VIERA Avatar

    Great piece of code.
    I have a little problem. I need to retrieve not only images attached to the post, but also images that were attached to another post but place in the content of this current post.
    Do you think is possible?
    Thanks in advance

    1. Dave Warfel Avatar

      Daniel — I haven’t tested this, but here are my initial ideas:

      I’m not sure if the post_parent parameter accepts arrays, but if it does, try something like this. In replace of the 'post_parent' => $post->ID, line above, try:

      'post_parent' => array( $post->ID, XX ),

      …where “XX” is the ID of the additional post you’re trying to pull images from.

      If that doesn’t work, maybe try using get_posts instead of get_children. This article might help. You’ll want to probably add an additional parameter for 'post_mime_type' => 'image' in your code, though.

      Let me know if either of those work out for ya.

  8. Ian McDonald Avatar
    Ian McDonald

    What qualifies an image as a “child” of the post its on? Are all images insert into the page in the editor added as children? Or just the images that are uploaded whilst editing that page?

    1. Dave Warfel Avatar

      Great question, Ian. Both methods you describe sound the same to me. And the short answer is yes, they would be considered “children” of that specific post.

      But here’s how I would explain it fully:

      There are two main ways an image can be “attached” to a particular post (this is the official language used to describe “child images”):

      • If the image is uploaded while you are editing the specific post/page
      • If you go to the media library’s list view, and specifically assign the image to a post/page

      So, images that are uploaded while you are on the Media Library page or Media > Add New page, those are “unattached,” and not considered children of any post.

      You can view which images are attached to which posts in your Media Library. You can also attach and detach them. But you must switch to List View to see this. Here’s a screenshot that explains it:


      Let me know if I can help answer any other questions.

  9. Caroline Avatar

    Great tutorial!

    But replacing the "// no attachments here" with the img didn’t work.

    My web got technical issues when I did this. Any ideas why?
    Thank you!

  10. Shyam Chathuranga Avatar
    Shyam Chathuranga

    Hey, thanks so much for the code snippets and various options. I’ve used this to get 3 image URLs for my custom Schema.org Microdata code in each post.

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